// Connemara | Inagh Valley | Killary Sheep Farm | Kylemore Abbey | Ireland

Connemara, Inagh Valley, Killary Sheep Farm and Kylemore Abbey


“Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller”

I have found that this quotation is perfect for this moment, because at the moment I find myself to be the storyteller of all my experiences. Every time that I travel here in Ireland I am always more amazed, astonished at all the wonders that this land has to offer.

So today, I travel to the West.  I think that the trip  I have done this week has been one of the most amazing of all… probably you are wondering what trip am I talking about? Well, obviously the Connemara one.

Lake View, Connemara


I can start telling you that it was something magical and stratospheric… but I am going to tell you everything from the beginning.

I know for sure that waking up at five in the morning is not so simple, but I can assure you that it worth it for this trip. First of all I have to say that our guide, Caroline, was amazing: she made us laugh, she entertained us, she explained everything to us very well and she played good Irish music.

Well, let’s start with our trip… I can tell you that just sitting on the Minibus and looking out of the window, the view was breathtaking: you can see how the colours and the shades can change so rapidly from the well-known Irish green to the whiskey brown that covered all the hills. All those shades created a play of colours that leaves you amazed and in the middle of all these colours you could see a lot of white specks : what were they? The Irish sheep and each one was branded with paint of a different colour like red, blue or green, so they can be recognised if they get lost.

Let’s move on… the first stop was the Killary Sheep Farm where we met Tom Nee and his partner Roy, his half-wolf dog. They work together in this beautiful farm which his family own going back six generations. He was so kind and friendly and he showed us how Roy managed to gather the flock, obeying his orders. I must say that it was really incredible!

Killary Sheep Farm

Killary Sheep Farm

But I want to also talk about the beautiful landscape and view that was right in front of the farm: it looked completely like a postcard, it was so surreal in its beauty, but I was really there, in front of that beautiful and harmonic panorama. The water of the lake was so clear that the mountains could reflect perfectly… what a beauty! The air that you could breathe was very clean, air of freedom! And the sensation that you feel being in a place like this, closing your eyes and soaking in the silence, it’s an incredible and indescribable feeling… maybe you can only understand it  if you try it!

Lake View, Connemara

Unfortunately we could not stay there for too long because the time was moving on and we had to go to Kylemore Abbey for our lunch stop. Here the landscape was really breathtaking: this building is located in the heart of Connemara and the owner was the representative of Galway County and then it was turned into a sister’s abbey and boarding school for girls. Nowadays it still has the sisters in residence. What is striking about this panorama is this huge building that reflects on to the lake and it creates a magical vista.

Kylemore Abbey

After lunch we went to Galway but during the journey we stopped at the Inagh Valley to take some pictures which was almost an obligation to do because the view was wonderful and breath taking! This unspoiled nature which surrounds you it is something spectacular!

Inagh Valley

Once we arrived in Galway it seemed almost to be a Santa Claus’ village: all around us was a party with decorations, Christmas songs and markets. We walked around this town, but like always time flies and it was hard time to come back home, but we had to head to Dublin…

Galway City


I really believe that this is one of those obligatory trips that you must do in your life, a must-see, because it sticks in your mind and heart… So: don’t waste time, backpack on and let’s go to discover all of Ireland’s wonders with Extreme Ireland! 🙂

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