// Carrick A Rede Rope Bridge - Northern Ireland

Carrick A Rede Rope Bridge

Swaying Carrick A Rede Rope Bridge


Brace yourself, pluck up a bit of courage, and get ready for to cross the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge! The bridge was originally built back in 1755 to help fishermen cross between the mainland and the island to cast their salmon fishing nets. However, after Ireland’s tourist boom in 1998, the bridge has become a must experience location.

As your tour guide might inform you, back in 1755, fishermen would have used this bridge to cast their nets out to catch salmon. Fishing was a flourishing industry as fishermen would be able to catch roughly 300 fish per day. It was a long, hard, and strenuous day but it kept food and money in each fishermens household. However, due to pollution and fishing pressure at sea, salmon were being fished less every day. Eventually the last salmon was caught at Carrick-a-Rede in 2002.

Ever since then, the Carrick-a-Rede bridge has been used for tourism.

Carrick a rede rope bridge

The Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge is an exhilarating walk along the coast of the Atlantic. On one side are farmlands with sheep and cow, while on the other is a 30 meter cliff to the ocean surface. Once you have arrived to the bridge, you will have to traverse across 20 meters of the bridge. You will be able to look down over the rope rails and feel waves crash into the rocky shores below. Take a few quick photos of yourself crossing the rocking bridge.

After you have crossed the bridge you will see a small island overlooking the vast Atlantic ocean. Explore the small island for clues to where fishermen would have cast their nets, feel the strong ocean winds carry you to the edge of island and take pleasant pictures of the cliffs behind you. If you look carefully enough you will be able to view Rathlin Island, most famously known for its Golden Hares. This hares are found nowhere else in the world, so make sure you pack a pair of binoculars to try and find one of these elusive hares.    

When you are satisfied, make your way back, but don’t relax just yet because you will have to cross the bridge a second time! Enjoy an afternoon at this historical location during the Giant’s Causeway day tour. And rest up as you make your way to Giant’s Causeway!

You can visit the Carrick A Rede rope bridge as part of the giants causeway tour

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