Cliffs of Moher Tour From Dublin – LIVING ON THE EDGE

Cliffs of Moher tour From Dublin

Woke up bright and early to head off on the Cliffs of Moher tour from Dublin !

Dublin, Cliffs of Moher tour from Dublin,

After about an hour and a half, we took a short pit stop in Limerick to use the bathrooms, grab coffee, and get a picture of King John’s Castle. It was gorgeously clear day so we were able to snap some good pictures of the castle from across the river Shannon before jumping back on the bus. Luckily, our group was running ahead of schedule, so we were the first group to get to each of the stops.

Upon arriving at the Cliffs, we had about an hour and a half to wander the area. The path leading up to the cliffs split to the left and right, giving you plenty of terrain to explore along the edge. Unfortunately, there wasn’t quite enough time to wander down both paths so, we chose to follow the path leading to the right and were not disappointed! Again, the weather was magnificent, making this amazing sight even better! There were plenty of people up and down the paths trying to capture the beauty of the Cliffs with their cameras, some of the more fearless getting right up to the edge. But be careful to watch your step! Further down the path, the wall between the visitors and the edge of the Cliffs ends, allowing visitors to get as close as they want (sometimes, maybe too close!).

Cliffs of Moher tour from Dublin, day tours from Dublin


tour to the cliffs of Moher, cliffs of Moher tour


cliffs of moher tour from Dublin, discover Ireland


day tour from dublin, irish day tour


After our time at the Cliffs of Moher was up, we traveled into the quaint little town of Doolin for lunch at Hotel Doolin. The food was delicious and hearty, a true Irish meal, and I couldn’t help but order a pint of Guinness to wash it all down! Some people on the tour packed their own lunch and chose to sit outside in the sunshine but I think you really miss out by not getting the local food.

Once everyone was finished with their lunches, the tour moved on to see the Burren. This was the area that Oliver Cromwell sent the native Irish people when they were kicked off their land so the English settlers could obtain the choice pieces of real estate. Edmund Ludlow once said “It is a country where there is not enough water to drown a man, wood enough to hang one, nor earth enough to bury him.” It was amazing to look at this land and try to imagine what the Irish were thinking when they were first forced to move off their fertile lands to this rough terrain.

Burren, Cliffs of Moher tour

Next, off to Corcomroe Abbey! There were a few cows roaming around right by the abbey, so of course, that was everyone’s first priority. Our guide, Collum, walked us through the abbey while describing some of the history and facts surrounding it. Because these monks preferred to build their abbeys in secluded places, the scenery around the abbey is very beautiful and comprised of mostly farms.

Corcomroe Abbey, tour Ireland


Corcomroe Abbey, day tour from Dublin

Overall, this was a very cool trip and our guide was very informative, while still cracking jokes and keeping everyone interested. I would HIGHLY recommend the Cliffs of Moher tour to anyone coming to visit Ireland! The Cliffs and the Burren are truly one of a kind.

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