
Keith is one of the founders of Extreme Ireland. He has travelled and hiked extensively around the world, but his heart remains in Ireland.

When he was growing up, all his holidays were in Ireland, usually involved squashing all the kids (6 in all, no television in the house back then!) in the car, and sleeping in a caravan. This is where he got his love for Ireland, where he experienced first-hand the diversity this beautiful country has to offer.

Keith can be seen every weekend climbing up some bog-ridden mountain in Ireland, the places where most people think they can’t go!

Even though he is the owner of Extreme Ireland he loves to lead certain tours. Every year he guides the Slovenia tour up mount Triglav and regularly teaches the mountain skills courses.

Keith is

a certified mountain skills instructor in Ireland.
‘Mountain Leader’ for Ireland and the UK.
International Mountain leader and member of BAIML.
First Aid qualifications include ‘REC3′ First Aid certificates and has completed the ”Wilderness First Responder’ and ‘Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician Course’.
qualified ‘Leave No Trace’ trained.
a Mountain Skills Trainer for the BOS Syllabus in Ireland
Studied Business Tourism in college

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