Top Travel Tips before you come to Ireland

Planning a trip to Ireland soon? Well we have had plenty of travellers come our way so we know a thing or two about the issues they typically run into. So we decided to make a list of our top travel tips for Ireland!

  1. Check your baggage restrictions!

It’s easy to get caught out with this one especially if you are planning on travelling further within Europe. Make sure you check the size & weight restrictions for carry-on luggage to avoid a hefty fine.

  1. Driving

Whilst our tours hit all the major attractions in Ireland including the Cliffs of Moher you may decide to rent a car to discover a few hidden gems of your own. If you do just make sure you remember we drive on the left-hand side of the road. This of course also means you look to your right when crossing the road.

  1. Adapters

If you are coming from America or mainland Europe or pretty much anywhere bar the UK to Ireland you are going to need an adapter. This is especially important because you are going to want to take plenty of photos on our tours!

  1. Tipping

This often comes as a surprise to our American visitors but tipping is not expected here. By all means tip if you wish. It will definitely be appreciated but there is no pressure if you choose not to.

  1. Rain

It rains here often and it rains hard. Make sure you pack appropriate clothing especially if you are coming in the winter months. Even in the summer it’s no harm to pack a light jacket.

  1. Northern Ireland uses another currency.

Planning on heading up the North to visit Belfast or the Giants Causeway? Well technically Northern Ireland is another country and is separate from the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and uses the Pound Sterling so your Euros will be no use!

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